During the testing phase, it is essential to keep the names and descriptions of all mini PCs uniform. If any modifications are desired, kindly adhere to the guidelines provided.
Step 1. Right click “Computer”icon on desk , and go to computer property as shown below
Step 2. Click “Change settings”as marked in above picture and it will show “System Properties”window as below;
Step 3. Write the description in the red marked Textfield in above picture, anythin fine, such as “this is john’s pc”or so, currently is write website.
Step 4. Click “Change” icon in above picture to rename the computer,
Once you have renamed it, click "OK" to return, and then confirm the changes by clicking "OK" again to save. Now that the computer name and description have been updated, let's proceed to modify the username of the mini PC.
Step 1. Right click “Computer”icon and select “Manage”as shown below, you will go to “Computer Mangerment” in next pictures
Step 2: Navigate to "Local Users and Groups," then click on "Users" to view the list of users on the mini PC. Identify the user you wish to modify, right-click on it, and choose "Rename." Input the desired name, and please be aware that this action will erase all information within the system.