▶ Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet
▶ Apply the RTX-3060 driver under Ubuntu system -- To obtain the download address, please contact us.
▶ Note that the driver supports Ubunut 20.04.X and Ubuntu 22.04.1 and below, other distributions depend on the kernel version, kernel support 5.15.2 or below can be, and above can not.
Installation steps:
1, open the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T).
2, run the following command to update the system package list sudo apt update

3, Run the following command to install GCC: sudo apt install build-essential

4, After the installation is complete, you can verify that GCC was successfully installed by running the following command: gcc --version

5, Copy to the Downloads directory, Ctrl + Alt + T to open the terminal, and type in the terminal:
cd Downloads

6, Run the following command to grant permission to execute the script: chmod +x

7, Run the script: After granting execute permission, you can run the script. Execute the following command in the terminal: sudo . /

8, After executing the script, follow the prompts and instructions provided by the script, as shown in the installation screenshot below:

9, After the installation is complete, reboot the computer by typing reboot in the terminal.
10, After restarting the computer, open the terminal and type "nvidia-smi" in the terminal to query the graphics card information, or you can enter the Aubot page to query.