AMD Core Graphics Core Graphics cards boast several advantageous technologies that deliver ample graphics processing power, significantly enhancing performance compared to previous generations. These cards support technologies such as DX11, SM4.0, OpenGL2.0, and Full HD MPEG2/H.264/VC-1 format decoding.
The M1 and M6 AMD series models offer BIOS-based video memory capacity configuration to boost graphics card performance. It's recommended to set shared video memory to 2GB, as higher configurations may not yield significant enhancements due to limitations in the core graphics card's processing capacity. However, if the system's memory capacity exceeds 32GB, adjusting the video memory capacity might warrant testing for potential GPU performance improvements. The default shared video memory capacity for M6 series models is 2GB, which is sufficient for general use.
For M1-AMD series, video memory allocation is automatic, with a default capacity of 512MB in the operating system. Users can refer to this blog post for customized configuration based on their requirements.

Configuration Steps:
Step 1: Ensure a keyboard is connected, preferably wired, as Bluetooth keyboards may not access BIOS. Power on the computer and quickly press the Del key on the keyboard to enter BIOS Setup. Navigate to Advanced > AMD CBS > GFX Configuration > Configure IGPU Configuration to [UMA_SPECIFIED], then select UMA Frame buffer Size and set it to the desired capacity, such as [2GB].

Step 2: After configuring, press F10 to save and exit. The computer will automatically boot into the operating system. Use third-party software to verify the configured video memory size, which should now reflect the adjusted capacity.

Note: Adjusting video memory capacity will reduce available system memory; for example, with 32GB RAM, setting video memory to 2GB will leave only 29.9GB of operating memory available.